Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Thick Red Caterpillars

Has anyone seen Courtney Love's lips lately? Like on the MSN homepage? They're over-inflated sloppy neon magenta caterpillars. She could dribble a ball with her mouth. Sorry boys, there's nothing sexy about them...she's no Scully. These are about as fake as fake can get.

I'm the nocturnal animal again when I should know better. I must be up at 5-ish to beat the traffic to run some sort of test for my company. It's 12:30, Matt is snoring in the other room, and I'm tempted to sit on the porch for an hour and enjoy the summer night.

But I know better.
I will go to bed.
And stay up for an hour thinking about plans and how to achieve them. I must be patient. Howie will climb by my side and purr, I will stroke him, and think about anything but retail.

But again, I know better.
Give me a job, and I'll think about how to do it better than most average people should. Even a waitress gig. How can I work harder, smarter, faster, get more results??

I'll go to bed, think about retail, put in my earplugs so I don't hear Matt grind his teeth, and I will get up the next day and do my duty. There will be a reward for it all, these hard years of blue-collar gruntwork. Someday I will get paid to paint what I want for a living.


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