Saturday, July 03, 2004

Sweet Alabama

Birmingham, Alabama is surprising. You expect hick town and mullets. What you get are green rolling hills, busy modern lifestyles, gorgeous properties and friendly folk. And a few mullets thrown in there for shits and giggles.

The people here are very friendly. Just like you'd expect southerners to be. In Dallas and south Florida they're more like a hurry and jaded by humanity. People in Birmingham make eye contact, smile, shake your hand, and genuinely ask "how'r you?" It's a nice change.

The black folk are friendly, more so than anywhere else, except for Kenyans I've been with. The racism here I am told is pretty strong still these days, but they look me in the eye with a smile, albeit with a longer look than white folk. It's almost like they want to know if I'm a good person or not.


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