Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Fear Factor

What is it about bullies that we love so much?

I was watching Bill O'Reilly last night. Just to see what this guy is all about, again. Here's a guy who makes a living off of saying the most inflammatory, one-sided statements he can make about any issue, and pretending that he has the answers to save us all. All the rightwing pundits do this. It's an art form and science...that whoever interrupts, intimidates or insults the most....wins. If you go on the Factor and have a differnt viewpoint than Bill, you better have the lungs in order to scream over his constant showboating interruptions and insults. And people glom onto this shit like bass to a worm.

People like O'Reilly appeal to emotionalism, not reason. It is a tactic designed to eliminate true debate. They don't want you to think and consider. They want you to react so you won't check their sources. They will tell you lies and take stands, and belittle their opponents so you can sit in your chair and feel vindicated. It's like watching show wrestling. You like the blood and the drama, and you want the biggest, most outrageous asshole to win, and when he does, you're behind him all the way, because now you too are a winner, not a loser.

CNN is no prize. Their constant repitition of reporting old stories is designed to not only cover up the fact they won't report other news but because they like to keep you glued to the set out of sensationalism and fear. But I can't watch FOX news on a full stomach or I'll blow chunks. It's so full of slanted bullshit that so blatantly insults its veiwers it makes me sick.


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