Lonely Messiah
My anger has turned to sadness,
I don't understand this madness.
Warning: I'm in a pensive mood. Matt just left for a week on work and I just finished reading the newspaper. I don't know why I bother reading the damnable thing in the morning, it ruins my whole day. But if I read it at night, I'd have nightmares.
Quote of the millenium:
"The human psyche has two great sicknesses: the urge to carry vendetta across generations, and the tendency to fasten group labels on people rather than see them as individuals. Abrahamic religion gives strong sanction to both--and mixes explosively with both. Only the willfully blind could fail to implicate the divisive force of religion in most, if not all, of the violent enmities in the world today. Without a doubt it is the prime aggravator of the Middle East. Those of us who have for years politely concealed our contempt for the dangerous collective delusion of religion need to stand up and speak out. Things are different now."--Richard Dawkins
Quote obtained by the excellent book The End of Faith by Sam Harris.
Whatever it is that we claim is peaceful about our Abrahamic religions, particularly Islam and Christianity, is either long forgotten or never was there to begin with. I've been told that to know God is to know peace. I thought I knew him once, I thought I saw his face. I still do at times when I see strangers help each other or when I feel real wonder of this world and all creation. I think God, should he exist, wanted this for us. If we truly felt this way, we wouldn't kill and hate each other so much.
I, of course, don't believe in God anymore. That doesn't remove my (niave) hope in mankind. If anything, it bolsters it, because I believe now more than ever that we're here to create a life that is remarkable while we are still here to enjoy it. We're here to celebrate, accomplish, and to care about each other and our planet. Old vendettas and the persecution of fellow men and women because of tribal differences must be abandoned if we are to survive without needless violence and bloodshed. We've moved from rocks to nukes. If we keep going how we're going, we'll be back to using rocks soon enough.
Compassion is not the province of the devout. As we can plainly see, many of them don't know the first thing about it.
I'm not against religion so much if it helps people, and it arguably does. The myth of the angry atheist who spitefully denies everything the pious claim is inaccurate and misleading. I'm no dogmatist. I try to keep an open mind. But where I don't see evidence, I'm not about to go filling in the gaps with myths. And, unless you want to deny me my humanity or otherwise hurt me, I do not want to hurt you because you don't believe what I do. If anything, I will help you. We are all here together.
I wouldn't have such a low opinion of religion if the people who practised it wouldn't use it as a reason to become flaming assholes to one another. "You will know them by the fruits of their labor". How true. Read the newspaper, and you will see how rotten this fruit has become. I know there are geniune souls out there who are faithful and actively compassionate, but they aren't the ones running the show right now.
If there is a messiah, he's crying in his beer. There's almost nothing left to save.
(ink illustration above by me)
I believe it was George Carlin (he gets credited with everything, I know, but I really do think this was his) that sums up the absurdity of relgion today:
"Do you believe in God?"
:::shotgun blast:::
"Do you believe in God?"
"Yes, I do."
"Do you believe in my God?"
:::shotgun blast:::
This is why I don't believe in organized religion. Well written, BBG!
Very nice post!
I think the problem with the Abrahamic religions (which Judaism is one of - work with me) is that they all need to grow up. Early on in Judaism, there was quite a bit of smotting going on. Go ask the Caananites what happened to them. Even today, there's so much in-fighting in Judaism it's childish in form. Some Jews need to get their heads out of their assess.
Christianity and Islam both need to grow up. Christianity passed a major milestone in growing up about 400-600 years ago, with the Inquisition. While it certain wasn't the end of their "Covert or Die" crusade (they've mainly switched to "Convert or You're Doomed Forever"), they did get passed the screaming temper tantrums. They now need to get over the "The World Revolves Around Me" phase.
Islam has kept its temper tantrum phase for way too long. The recent incidents with the pope's reading of a 14th century text show that clearly. And the main problem in this day and age is that technology lends itself to some pretty nasty incidents. Can you imagine what the Christians would have done during the Crusades if they had nukes?
Yes, Moose, it was George. It was part of his "God's Bigger Dick Theory" - My God is better because he has a bigger dick.
Smotting? I tried to look it up, no deal. Past tense of smite? Anyway, I think I know what ya mean!
I don't know much about Judaism, which is a shame. I really should. What's strange to me is that Jews never seem to be trying to bully people into converting to their faith, and even in Isreal Jews aren't killing each other over creed differences that I'm aware of. But everyone screws with them. Gabe, can you explain this to me? I'm actually this close to finding a local rabbi to see if he'll talk to me, because I just don't get it.
Yes, I can imagine what the Christians would have done with Nukes during the Crusades. That's what scares me. Honestly I think the only thing that prevents Christians from getting all crazy violent is because they are all pretty content with watching the TV, eating din din at 6 p.m. and shopping. Get Bin Laden on the couch with a clicker and maybe the guy will lighten up.
I remember that Carlin skit. I love that guy!!!!
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