Monday, September 11, 2006

MIT Engineer Breaks Down WTC Controlled Demolition - Google Video

MIT Engineer Breaks Down WTC Controlled Demolition - Google Video

I'm not too much of a conspiracy theorist, but I found this video pretty interesting. It might not be the most appropriate thing to watch today according to some people, and I understand that. But along with the reflection, mourning and anger we should experience, there should also be an attitude of constant inquiry, an effort to understand.

I don't know if the assertions made in this video are true. I don't know what is true anymore. The arguments in the video have plausibility. But then again, so many things do. It's to the point now...what do we choose to believe? Do you want the red pill, or the blue one?

Why do I always feel like Neo searching for Morpheus?


Blogger Mooselet said...

I haven't seen this video, but Time magazine recently had a piece on the conspiracy theories surrounding Sept. 11 and this came up. While the "demolition" theory may sound good and have initial plausibility, it didn't hold up to higher scrutiny - at least that's what I took away from the story. I'd go find my copy and look it up for you, but I'm pretty tired... take my word for it! :-)

2:14 AM  
Blogger Mooselet said...

Ok, I felt bad enough that I found the link to the Time article:,9171,1531304,00.html

2:21 AM  
Blogger Bostonbootgirl said...

I actually found this link from the NSIT more informative, it is contained in that Time article. It brings up almost every point of argument the man in my video pointed to:

The fact that it is a federal agency should be mentioned however.

5:17 AM  
Blogger Gabe said...

I can swallow a lot of things about the government in general. I can fully accept that the Bush Administration is littered with liars, cheats, and thugs who want total control of everything. But then again, I pretty much feel that way about every presidential administration, so I'm not biased on that matter. But to believe that the WTC was brought down by a controlled demolition because Bush wanted to go to war is well beyond my level of acceptance. I am definitely no structural engineer, but I've seen dozens of shows on controlled demolitions and these guys take weeks, working in the wide open after having gutted the building, with full access to all structural supports to take down a building. And when they mess up, the building doesn't come down properly. The theory that someone did it secretly, a few hours here and there, in a fully functioning building, with office folk, security, building maintenance, etc... all walking around day and night, for me falls into the same category that the Pentagon was actually blown up by a missile, not a plane.

12:15 PM  
Blogger Bostonbootgirl said...

In Moose's link the author states that people like consipiracy theories because they aren't comfortable with chaos. Lots of people just can't accept that some things happen in this world that are horrible, apparently random and most importantly, out of our control. So they gravitate to conspiracy theories to explain them. Kinda like religion.

I'm not sold on this conspiracy theory either. But I did find it interesting.

9:37 AM  

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