Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Street Dogs

So I'm updating my mural site, which is a long process since I'm an HTML retard. I've got XM Fungus 53 satellite radio on, which is by far the best thing to happen to punk rock in 30 years, no matter what your age is or how long you've been into it. I've already blogged about it here.

A song by one of my favorite bands just came on, called "Decency Police", by Boston's Street Dogs. What an excellent rip roaring song it is. If anyone still mourns the demise of the Mike McColgan fronted Dropkick Murphys, well, quit yer cryin'. The Street Dogs have been putting out some great music and great shows while you were sobbing in your Guinness over Sunshine Highway*. Since their 2003 release, Savin Hill (or Stab n' Kill, if you're from the Boston area), they've just been getting better and better.

(The photo above is from their website, they are visiting Melbourne, FL, which is a couple hours north of where I live now, but it looks just like the beach I live 1 mile away from.)

This is a video of their song Back to the World that you have just got to see. It's very important that you do. If my link doesn't work, go to their homepage and you'll see the link right there, the one with the helicopter graphic. It's worth it if you take 3 minutes out of your day to witness this.

Street Dogs play honest, uncontrived, socially conscious, heartfelt punk rock. I missed them the last time around here in Ft. Lauderdale, and really regret it. I won't make the same mistake again in December, when they come back. You shouldn't either. Go buy their music, go see their shows.

This is from their Myspace profile:
"The kind of rock the Street Dogs are attempting to make is nothing like the pop-punk rock infiltrating mainstream radio and television. In fact, it is best described as a combination of blistering rock songs and melodic, infectious punk rock."

I've met Mike McColgan briefly when they toured with Social Distortian, and he's a nice guy. He's easy on the eyes, too. This photo, also from their site, Johnny on the left, Mike on the right.

Had to put this shot in's Mike singing the anthem at a Red Sox game in Fenway a few years back. What an honor this must have been for a boy from Dorchester.

*I will always love the Dropkicks and will always support them. They were and are a great band and do great things for the city of Boston and the punk scene. Al Barr is a great frontman. I've seen them in Dallas, Austin, Ft. Lauderdale, as well as Boston, and they mean what they say, they love their fans 100%. They make me proud of where I came from. They ressurected my love for punk (which I grew up with, and was sick of watching it become fashion show) when I first heard them played
on some kids tape deck during an overnight shift while working at a Home Depot in Quincy, MA, back in the 90's. But that doesn't mean I have to love every song they do.


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