Sunday, August 06, 2006

Standing with Israel

This morning's Miami Herald printed this on the Opinion Page in a regularly run section called "One-Liners".

"If Hezbollah laid down its weapons today, there would be no more war. If the Israelis laid down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel." --Joel Barbanell, Sunny Isles Beach.

It's awful that people have to suffer over there, no matter what side of the border they are on. I don't want innocent people getting maimed and shelled. Many people in this world want us to sympathize with the Lebanese and the Palestinians. I do. Maybe I don't truly understand this ages-old bewildering problem of truly Biblical proportions. But I don't think I have to, because it's not what Israel has or has not done, it is the fact that they ARE. Israel exists, and she is hated for that alone. She could shower the jihadists with flowers and still be hated.

That is one thing I do understand. The haters of Jews have made that perfectly clear. It's racist tribalism at its cave-man best. Once they are done ridding the planet of Jews, Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and the rest of us infidels, they will kill each other over petty differences. (Oh, wait, they do that already!!)

The world criticizes Israel for too strident a military response to the recent kidnapping and shelling, but what could she do to avoid criticism? Maybe her response is too strident. But what of those who want to "imagine a world without Israel?" and then act on it? What is the greater crime here? Is it the ferocity of her fighting that angers those who hate her, or the fact she defends herself at all?

I think Joel's one-liner sums it up. Whatever bad things Israel may or may not have done today or yesterday, there is nothing this tiny New Jersey sized country can do to appease the fundamentalist Muslim community other than cease to exist. Am I supposed to feel sorry for people who love blowing up their own children for a religion? Here's another quote from today's paper, "He gave his son to Islam," said Sanaa Younes, a Shiite from Beirut in regards to Hassan Nasrallah, the leader of Hezbollah, "It's what every parent would want." I don't want any child, or any person, to die in the name of any religion. I don't care if it's not politically correct to say this, but if anyone of any faith wants to exist in this world, they have to understand others have the right to exist as well, and if they can't understand that (if they can't live and let live), then they deserve no place in civilized society. Criminals get sent to prison because they can't get along and abide by laws. What about genocidal jihadists?

What in the world do we do with bloodthirsty religious nutjobs who get giddy when their sons and daughters blow themselves up in crowded markets in the name of God? Is anything more insane and evil than this?? When they bomb tiny democratic countries and kidnap their soldiers, do we listen to a damn thing they have to say when that country strikes back??

In my heart of hearts I want peace. I want the poor families on both sides of the issue to be safe and out of harms way. I don't hope for the destruction of anyone. But I have no illusions about those who kill in the name of their religion. History teaches us all we need to know.


Blogger Mooselet said...

There is a quote from Golda Meir, former PM of Israel, that sums up nicely what you are saying:

"We will have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us"

With the dual evils of poverty and Islamic extremism, I don't know that that will ever happen.

7:29 PM  

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