Tuesday, August 15, 2006

We Like Mike

Here is a wicked cool blog entry (and a very cool blog as well) I stumbled across today while trolling the series of tubes otherwise known as the internet(s) for images and info on all things Mike Rowe from Discovery Channel's Dirty Jobs. I, apparently, am not alone.

It's no secret that ladies like Mike. I found a few other blogs with adoring posts about him:

Marsha Loftis Blog.
Some strangely designed fanlisting.
"I just saw Mike Rowe in a wetsuit!" on KateSpot.

The Dirty Jobs fansite has no shortage of swooning women that want to get dirty with Mike Rowe:

"I wish I had a dirty job so I could meet you. My only dirty job is being the ex-wife of a scumbag, but that can't be put on TV."

There's even a Myspace fansite, among others.

Men dig him too.
My honey, Mr.Matt, who is very much like Mike in looks and wit in my opinion, gets a kick out of the guy. He's unpretentious and hilarious, a blue-collar intellectual, a thinking man's man with an unshaven face and a smirk. Mr. Rowe's a regular guy with a healthy dose of smartass, the kind of guy you could have a beer with. (Now, I know that's the criteria many Americans used to vote for our present Idiot in Chief, but Mike's not running for political office. That's a job too dirty even for him, I think.)

Dirty Jobs is a great show as it is, but I can't imagine it without Mike Rowe as host. I've seen the other Discovery channel hosts....it's like watching CSI:Miami when you really love the original Vegas CSI...you keep wanting that red-haired jackass to be Gil Grissom but he's so fucking NOT.

Screw Leonard DiCaprio and Antonio Banderas!! Give us Mike Rowe covered in fish guts and poo anyday. Will the editors of People magazine finally get the hint? Will a future cover of "The Word's Most Beautiful People" look like this?

Gay men like Mike too
. Here's a photo from WeHo Mark, another blogger. Looks like he took a picture of his TV when Mike was frollicking around shirtless. WeHo Markie says to Mike, "Come to me, Daddy!" Right on, brother!

Here's more ribald horniness from the gay men's crowd: "Maybe it's his sexy deep baritone voice, or his hot hairy bod...I find him strangely compelling..."

For Mooselet in Australia, who doesn't get Discovery Channel, go here. There should be video clips of the show. Since you're into science stuff, girl, you might like the clips.


Blogger Mooselet said...

My GOD would you look at the hairy chest on that man! People swoon over the Brad Pitt's of Hollywood but I'll take a real guy like this any day of the week, and twice on Sunday.

We do get the Discovery Channel here - it's one of my favs, except for the seemingly endless stream of car shows - but haven't seen this show yet. I'm sure it'll be on soon, though.

4:15 PM  

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