Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Darwin and Hitler?

Right Wing Watch: Kennedy: Evolution to Blame for Death, Hopelessness in World

Here, Mr. D. James Kennedy, a Christianist Pastor and founder of Coral Ridge Ministries, declares Darwin akin to Hitler, and that w/o Darwin there would be no Hitler, and that Evolution = Death.

You can see I added some quotes in red and inserted them in his ridiculous argument below.

"The great lesson of The Holocaust (religion) is what happens when man tries to decide who should live and who should die, when man tries to ‘clean up the gene (infidel) pool’ from those viewed as undesirable. To put it simply, no Darwin (Jesus, Allah, God), no Hitler (death)

We have had 150 (hundreds of thousands of) years of the theory of Darwinian evolution (religion), and what has it brought us? Whether Darwin (mankind) intended it or not, millions of deaths, the destruction of those deemed inferior, the devaluing of human life, increasing hopelessness; Darwin’s theory (religion) has been deadly, indeed. … The time has come to recognize that evolution (religion) is a bad idea and should be, frankly, discarded into the dustbin of history."

There are so many factual errors and baseless assertions in this dickhole's argument that I won't even go into them here. They're pretty self-evident to anyone who knows anything about Darwin or Hitler, or even just plain old forgotten reason. But if you read it and subsitute the red words for the original word I placed in italics, it is now a true and valid argument.

Come On! Aren't You Making Much Ado Over Nothing?
Do Christianists in America want their religion to clean up the undesirables, to undertake, as the Nazi's did, to impose their values upon the whole country, maybe the whole world? Read below:
From The Changing of the Guard, by George Grant, former executive director of D. James Kennedy's Coral Ridge Ministries:

"Christians have an obligation, a mandate, a commission, a holy responsibility to reclaim the land for Jesus Christ -- to have dominion in civil structures, just as in every other aspect of life and godliness.

  • But it is dominion we are after. Not just a voice.
  • It is dominion we are after. Not just influence.
  • It is dominion we are after. Not just equal time.
  • It is dominion we are after.
  • World conquest. That's what Christ has commissioned us to accomplish.
THIS is mainstream Christianity in America today. These people are in our WHITE HOUSE. These people used to be on the streetcorners waving signs, today they enjoy more popularity and influence in the running of this country than any other group in America.

The painting and quote above are from the American Fundamentalist website that showcases the artwork of Joel Pelletier.


Blogger Gabe said...

Any religion that tells you the only way to get to God is by believing only their hype is selling something else; not a belief in God. What Christianity and Islam are selling is servitude: Do what we say, when we say it, or you're going to hell. What???? Judaism isn't perfect by any stretch, but one accepted belief makes a WHOLE lot more sense - You don't have to accept the religion, you don't have to even believe in God, just be a good person who is good to others and you're in like Flynn.
This guy is such a half-wit, it's scary to think people line up behind him nodding their heads in agreement.
Your insertions are the real scary part that people like him will never acknowledge. It's a proven fact that religion is the number one cause of death. Hell, look in the bible and see how many people died based on what God they believed in (or not).

7:28 AM  

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