Sunday, May 14, 2006

Escape from Orlando

I just got back from the Orlando job last night after 2 long grueling weeks of waking up at 3:30 a.m. and working until late afternoon or early evenings. Our project consisted of hauling heavy metal retail fixtures around, tearing down old ones and putting up new ones, then piling store merchandise onto them ready for selling. Constant, fast paced go go go work. Matt and I would drive back to our hotel each night, drink beer and pass out and do it all over again the next day.

Every part of my body is aching and bruised. I've done harder work, sure, but I've had it easy the previous months before this gig and I'm a bit older now. Stuff hurts more now. Tomorrow I go see a chiropractor and a masseuse so I can get my back and neck in order once more. It feels literally like someone somewhere is sticking needles into a voodoo doll in my name.

But you should see my biceps. Bulging, I tell ya. I have the best arms in the business; sleek, taut and curvy. But my belly, well, bulges too, even if only a little. No low-hipped Brittney jeans for me.

Matt drove back to Orlando tonight since the job is STILL NOT DONE. After all the missed deadlines due to stupidity on the store's part to organize this correctly, after all the work shut downs due to nonexistent permits, the job must be complete by the end of next week. (It has been ongoing for close to three months now!!) He won't be back until Friday, we hope. I'm participating in an art show on Friday and he really wants to be there for it (it's a woman's sexuality show put on by a bunch of Miami lesbians, why wouldn't he or anyone else not want to be there??). So, for until Friday, it's just me and Howie. Already the house feels empty.

I had to come home to take care of a client who may prove to be a catalyst for the future success of my business, who I wrote about in an previous post. So Matt must stay in the game, to chug and haul shit back and forth between store and dumpster, with needles sticking in his shoulders as his nerves angrily scream at him that he would be better suited to pressing the buttons on his camera instead.

So I'm back indefinitely. And I will be a busy gal. Tomorrow I start the samples for my client's remaining baths (the big room got canceled) and Tuesday I start actual work on it. My client's wife tells me she has invited her friends and neighbors over for a look at the baths I've done and they may be interested in my services, so that may be a great thing for the future success of my business.

Happy Mother's Day for all cool momma's out there....I may not be one, but I know many!!


Blogger Mooselet said...

What is it with men and lesbians? I don't get it.

Hope your mom had a good Mother's Day!

4:25 PM  
Blogger Bostonbootgirl said... and lesbians are as natural as vodka and tonics. It's just that the lesbians don't think so. But it sure sells the porn.....:)

1:23 AM  

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