Thanks to Howie, my middle-aged docile house cat. Yet another Gecko meets his maker, its tiny carcass lies in my living room. Howie, sleek black paunch cooling on the terrazo floor, blinks lazily at it, devoid of all previous interest. I wish he'd make sport of the "Palmetto Bugs" that occasionally wander in and cause me to scream like a little girl.
Palmetto Bug. Fucking please. If you ever come to south Florida, don't be gullible when they tell you about the Palmetto Bug. They use that word to hide the fact that really, what it is, is a GIGANTIC COCKROACH. That flies sometimes. At your FACE. They are also referred to as a Water Bug in Texas...and when you mention they are nothing but huge roaches, people will actually go, "No, not really. They aren't roaches." Sure. La-di-da, everything is so nice and lovely in this world! Look at the fairies! Palmetto fairies! In my tub and crawling up my ankle in pink tutus!
Don't move here if you don't like roaches, ants, mosquitos, lizards, or anything that is creepy crawly. Howie, of course, is in Cat Nirvana. Too bad he doesn't eat the really nasty nasties. He's a true gourmet.
I'm on my fourth cup of Bustello, and checking all my email for work. I work out of my home for some part, but mostly out of a suitcase! Each Monday I'm slammed with emails from my field reps and those at the main office in Ohio. In a moment I'll be heading out to one of my stores to reset a fixture.
My parents in Boston sure did appreciate their daughter calling them from the beach to wish a Happy Father's Day. They're inside watching Airplane with the kids, I'm baking my pasty hide and swimming in the warm Atlantic. The Atlantic from my childhood was not this Atlantic! My toes don't turn numb, my teeth don't chatter!
I did a few watercolor sketches, both came out nicely. One was a simple sketch of the ocean, another was palm trees and an art deco hotel. It's refreshing to think in terms of color now. Where before I was so concerned about structure, shadow and light, now it's color and light.
Late last night Matt and I drank Aussie wine in the rain. This is rainy season. It's also quite hot. The rain was refreshing and cool, and it was nice to get a little wet while looking at our cottage lit up from the inside with Tiki lanterns. Our crazy neighbors were in bed and if they were having drama in their sleep, we didn't know about it. It was peaceful, just the way we like it.
Howie gets up and runs to the door. Turtle doves are on our porch. Howie walks tentatively, tail switching. But the FedEx guy ruins everything. Doves fly away, he runs towards the bedroom. At least the doves are safe this time.