Saturday, January 28, 2006


Do not follow the link above if you have a weak stomach!

Here is the first sentence of this story as seen on MSNBC news via the Washington Post this morning:
NEW YORK - Hundreds of very live Americans are walking around with pieces of the wrong dead people inside of them.

The story then goes on to describe a horror story about unscrupulous people, one in particular a drug-addicted dentist, who traffic in the illegal harvesting of body parts from cadavers and funeral homes for use in transplants.

Apparently some of the cadavers had cancer, syphillis, or were way too old to qualify for transplant material. One of the cadavers ended up being Alistair Cooke!

Another quote: "We know that they obtained these bodies in a fraudulent way and off the scale of acceptable practice," FDA spokesman Stephen King said.

Stephen King? Could this story be a hoax designed by Mr. King's marketing team to get the public ready for a new thriller? I freaking hope so.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

America, The Land of Dreams

There's been much America criticism these days within our borders and certainly beyond. We are in a spiritual struggle as a people to maintain our version of the American dream in the face of great odds and turmoil. Whatever your version of the dream...whatever politics you adhere to, philosophy/religion you choose, or lifetsyle that makes you happy and whole...there's one star we ALL watch for in an ever-darkening sky. We are a divided people today, but this one star is our only hope to reunite us in the face of our many differences.

This is the land of dreams. This is the land our fore-fathers came to from England, Ireland, Sweden, France, Spain, and the Netherlands, to escape persecution, worship their god, add glory to their homeland, or to boldy pursue a new uncharted life. To dream and then to act on it is simply the most creative and spiritual act you can perform, it is what we are meant to do, it brings us closest to the god (or force) you believe in. We all share this, even the atheist.

This spiritual struggle has little to do with religion and politics, at least beyond the surface. It has everything to do with remembering this dream. Immigrants come to our country still today, illegally if they have to, to pursue the dream we have forgotten. While we busy ourselves fighting over gay marriage, abortion, racism and wars in foreign lands, immigrants come here with the glorious dream to make it in America, to be somebody, be it providing parent, musician, scientist or business owner.

We need to remember the dream and forget our divisions. People around the world who criticize us still love us for what America inherently was and still could be, if only we could just remember. People who truly hate us are hoping we never remember that dream. Our spiritual struggles are part of their plan to topple our homeland, and it is working far more effectively than bombs. The cracks in our foundation are of our own making. As we squabble, they grow wider.

People within our own country who desire to "take America back" in the name of their god are also forgetting the dream. If we are just a "Christian" nation, there is no room for anyone else. All other non-Christian members of our society (and Christians who don't agree, and there are many) who contribute their creativity and hard work will go underground or abroad. They will not be welcome here anymore.

Our forefathers came here to chase their dreams, not just to worship. As a result, this country quickly became a crucible of technology, industry, arts and intellectual achievement, in spite of our mistakes. ONLY creativity and the freedom to pursue it allows this! We are in danger today of killing that creativity and freedom and therefore thwarting any future achievements that could benefit us and all of mankind. Other countries will and are taking up the slack.

America was a beacon of hope, the grand land of Enlightenment and opportunity. The dream made us that way, and it is our best weapon against terrorists and against our further disintegration. It is time to make her that way again.

Friday, January 20, 2006

Throw The Bums Out!!!!

Some people voice unconditional support for the Bush administration because, they rationalize, there hasn't been a terrorist attack on U.S. soil since 9/11. Regardless if our stretched-to-the-limit armed forces are uneasily straddling battles in both Afganistan and Iraq, or whether if the latter is moral and legal. Nevermind all that liberal nonsense of "faulty intelligence" on WMD's. Bush has kept us safe, dammit, and that's all there is to it.

Then along comes a certain somebody with a head scarf and familiar salt and pepper know, the religious fanatic (of the Muslim variety this time) who destroyed 3000 innocent lives in the Land of the Free and the Brave. Remember him? The prick who started this whole thing?

The new tape alleged to be from Bin Laden warns the American people that there haven't been any attacks here simply because his minions have been quite busy in Iraq, and have nothing to do with Mr. Bush's attempts at homeland security. Of course, the Faithful will pooh-pooh this. But honestly, can anyone really feel secure anymore, no matter how many boots, guns, cameras, NSA spying and search engine subpoenaing goes on? Do the Faithful truly believe our Govt. is so omnipotent that it can prevent any and all attacks from terrorists from within or beyond?

Homeland Security is an oxymoron. They can't even help people during a natural disaster. What will happen when a man-made one hits?

A truce with Bin Laden, as he suggests in his tape, is a joke. Pulling out of the mess we've made in Iraq right away is irresponsible and would have horrible consequences both for its people and its nascent government (we broke it, we own it, thank you Mr. Powell). Tracking down those responsible for 9/11 hiding in Afganistan was the right thing to do, and the whole world knew it. Getting sidetracked in Iraq was a deliberate act of deception by our government that has cost us lives, brought billions of dollars of debt, and has allowed those responsible for 9/11 to escape justice. We've tried to force democracy and freedom at the point of a gun on a people that may not be ready for it, if they want it at all. What about getting those that threaten our freedom, which we used to cherish?

Getting rid of our reckless and dishonest administration who do what they want with impunity would be a step in the right direction!! Impeachment worked for removing a president whose salacious appetites didn't result in the loss of life, why can't it work for a boob-in-a-Stetson and his cloven-hooved cohort who send our sons, daughters, mothers and fathers into harms way, not for the protection of or freedoms as glamourized for the benefit of those who will swallow it, but for lies?

Some in the media claim the new Bin Laden tape will bolster support for Bush. Come on, people! The very fact Bin Laden is STILL out there making tapes should be enough for you to ask why it is acceptable to have Saddam sitting cozily in jail eating Doritos while those TRULY responsible for 9/11 still make threats on our existence. It is time to THROW THE BUMS OUT.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Alito likes Cows!

One more post.

After listening to senator after senator appear to do nothing more than windbag their own personal views through the Alito hearings, and listen to Alito sneak cautiously around the lulled (or dead) watchdogs of moderate America, the press is stating flatly that confirmation for the ex-Concerned Alumni of Princeton is now inevitable.

This will be yet another victory for the religious statists who run our country. This is just one more gleefull stomp in the march to lessen rights for our nation's women.

Roe will not be overturned outright if Alito takes a seat on the Supreme Court. The Statists know such an act will guarantee hostile outrage from the moderate majority. So they follow a well-planed blueprint to chip away at it, to hobble it with as many restrictions as possible in order to eventually render the Roe impotent.

Do you like being a cow? The Statists in the religious right are betting you do. If you don't, they will force you. It is their objective to end your right to make decisions about your own body and how or when you will choose to give birth. Not only is abortion in the line of fire but so is medical contraception, which they call abortificants. So not only will you be forced to have children you don't want, there will be limited-to-no medical methods available to you to prevent such unwanted pregnancies. So while most moderates agree that abortion should be an undesirable choice that should be avoided at all costs (as I do), the one thing that would lessen abortions for women who choose to be sexually active will be thwarted as well. Just ask your local pro-life pharmacist.

You will be been reduced (if the Statists have their way) from a fully-actualized equal member of this society with all rights bestowed* and granted upon you in a free country to nothing more than a cow destined for breeding purposes. You don't have a right to your body since God created your body, henceforth it is not yours to make any such decisions about.

In other words, people of a faith get to tell you...who may not be of that faith or have different interpretations of that to live your life. Iran has mullahs, and so do we, and like Iran they seek to enforce their religion on every aspect of American life. It's only a matter of time before they successfully destroy the wall between church and state, which is, and don't pooh-pooh this, one of their lofty goals.

Can anyone say Moooo?

*and even this is debatable...

Green Ham and Eggs

Oh my. I wasn't going to bother posting anything else until I got back from Maryland next week, but after sifting through news this morn I just HAD to post this.

Apparently some scientists in Taiwan who evidently have more time on their hands than anyone would hope for have created the world's

Not only is he green on the outside, but he's green on the inside too. Quote from article: “There are partially fluorescent green pigs elsewhere, but ours are the only ones in the world that are green from inside out. Even their hearts and internal organs are green,” Wu said on Thursday.

This pig would fit right in at 80's night.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Lustworthy Man of The Month

Just to prove that I; #1. still have hormones that work, or #2. have not progressed past the mental age of 16, I bring you Greg Graffin, lead singer of Bad Religion, professor at Cornell University, and a Ph.D in Evolutionary Paleontology.

And he's a hottie.

Within the past few years he has published a thesis called "Evolution, Monism, Atheism and the Naturalist World-View." The thesis website, The Cornell Evolution Project, has Greg stating the purpose of the project as thus: "The purpose of this study is to determine the degree to which the world's leading evolutionary biologists believe in traditional religion, naturalism, and the philosophical implications of their science. A further goal will be to understand how they reconcile these disparate and often conflicting beliefs with their teaching and practice of evolutionary biology."

In order to do this a questionaire was sent to the world's leading evolutionary biologists polling them specific questions on how their personal beliefs pertain to their short, asking them if they believe in a god or not.

Bad Religion, one of the founding fathers of American punk rock, formed in 1980 in southern Cally, and has gone through many incarnations and alternatingly dwindling and burgeoning fan bases, only to still be rocking hard to this day. Greg Graffin is the main song writer and the lyrics are (as always have been) socially conscious and directed towards making the listener think.

Many ignorant and misguided souls who mistakenly claim punk rock (and all hard rock) is all about "Kill your mama! Kill your dog! Take drugs!" (if anything, punk is all about the power of thought) would find themselves challenged upon hearing a Bad Religion song. They might even like it, if they can turn off American Idol for one danged minute.

One more saucy picture of sexy Greg giving the old "No Masters" salute during a show....

Boots on the Web!

Haven't been around much lately due to the fact I've been doing all kinds of frightening things like....getting INCORPORATED! Yikes! I am now officially a CEO of my own business called Currier Art and Mural, LLC. Cost me two-hunerd-buckeroonies. Now I get to have meetings with myself annually and get an offical tax ID number with the IRS. Oh Joy. At least at my meetings I allow beer. I'm going to need it.

(LLC is short for Limited Liability Corporation, which means my personal assets aren't liable if I bounce a can of white enamel all over a client's antique Oriental, which would never happen. And, even if they did try to sue me, then what do they get??? An Ipod, a bumpersticker-plastered 2000 Ford Ranger worth $4000 if I'm lucky, and a pair of 15 hole Doc Martens that need a good polish. Snicker!)

I also had a nice little visit with my new accountant. Krikey. He's in for a treat. This gal may be able to put a brush to the canvas but don't ask her nuthin' 'bout numbahs. Just get the bib and the helmet ready, Kristin just hopped off the short bus with a manila folder in her hands.....hide the sharp objects...

Things left to do: Get a city AND a county license. Everyone wants a piece, dammit. Also, need liability insurance. All these things are legal to run a decorative painting company in the state of Florida. Gotsta pay da man.

Also, I'm going to Maryland Sunday for a week of work in my other gig, so I won't be letting off steam here on Blogspot. I get to tear down retail fixtures, that oughta do it.

Ta Ta for now, ya'll.

Oh...and the rather incongruous boot image that has nothing to do with the subject matter of above post is just there because I'm trying to tie the image to my profile on Myspace. Simple things for simple minds.

Monday, January 09, 2006

Petition 2493 False

Gotta make this one short. A friend of mine recently sent me an email about Petition 2493. As a Christian, she is signing it to prevent the Atheists from petitioning the FCC to remove Christian programming from radio.

The petition is false. Other than the link to Snopes above, another disclaimer can be found on the James Dobson website Focus on the Family and also on the FCC site. I had to let her know.

I've written a few posts that are very critical of Christians but as an Atheist and ardent supporter of separations of Church and State I would never sign a petition to eliminate Christian or otherwise programming from radio. Radio is a free and public service and protected by the First Amendment. May they forever have a right to their say under the guarantees written in the Consitution. May we all. If their rights are taken away then we have reason to fear for ours as well.

Viva freedom from religion and freedom of all religion!