Saturday, January 14, 2006

Alito likes Cows!

One more post.

After listening to senator after senator appear to do nothing more than windbag their own personal views through the Alito hearings, and listen to Alito sneak cautiously around the lulled (or dead) watchdogs of moderate America, the press is stating flatly that confirmation for the ex-Concerned Alumni of Princeton is now inevitable.

This will be yet another victory for the religious statists who run our country. This is just one more gleefull stomp in the march to lessen rights for our nation's women.

Roe will not be overturned outright if Alito takes a seat on the Supreme Court. The Statists know such an act will guarantee hostile outrage from the moderate majority. So they follow a well-planed blueprint to chip away at it, to hobble it with as many restrictions as possible in order to eventually render the Roe impotent.

Do you like being a cow? The Statists in the religious right are betting you do. If you don't, they will force you. It is their objective to end your right to make decisions about your own body and how or when you will choose to give birth. Not only is abortion in the line of fire but so is medical contraception, which they call abortificants. So not only will you be forced to have children you don't want, there will be limited-to-no medical methods available to you to prevent such unwanted pregnancies. So while most moderates agree that abortion should be an undesirable choice that should be avoided at all costs (as I do), the one thing that would lessen abortions for women who choose to be sexually active will be thwarted as well. Just ask your local pro-life pharmacist.

You will be been reduced (if the Statists have their way) from a fully-actualized equal member of this society with all rights bestowed* and granted upon you in a free country to nothing more than a cow destined for breeding purposes. You don't have a right to your body since God created your body, henceforth it is not yours to make any such decisions about.

In other words, people of a faith get to tell you...who may not be of that faith or have different interpretations of that to live your life. Iran has mullahs, and so do we, and like Iran they seek to enforce their religion on every aspect of American life. It's only a matter of time before they successfully destroy the wall between church and state, which is, and don't pooh-pooh this, one of their lofty goals.

Can anyone say Moooo?

*and even this is debatable...


Blogger Mooselet said...

I find the pro-life pharmacists downright frightening. To refuse to fulfill a legal prescription on the basis of personal beliefs is, quite frankly, bullshit. You chose to be a pharmacist, you leave your personal judgements at the door. If you can't do that, get out of the profession.

4:35 PM  

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