Thursday, December 22, 2005

pUnK RaWk with a "W"

I just added 2 links to my sidebar that will appear to be very different from one another. One is, a liberal, anti-Bush site, and, an unapologetic conservative site....for, yes indeedy, punks.

Punks (and, btw, it's taken me 20 years to feel comfortable using that term, since in my youth we never called it punk, but were quite used to be calling "freaks" instead, which I'm sure the Hot Topic/Travis Barker generation has no frigging clue about, but that's a rant for another day...) have traditionally identified themselves with an ill-defined and ragtag brand of ultra-left politics ranging from the most extreme and semi-educated Communists and Socialists to the young poseur who spraypaints the anarchy symbol on his jacket without really understanding why. Some of their causes are worthwhile, but for the most part many glom onto whatever is fahionable for the day, and many hold thousands of contradictory idealogies in their heads, failing to examine deeply their most cherished premises.

Now another voice emerges. Punk Conservative is an anamoly. They like Bush. They like Fox. They like Minor Threat. They are educated and bodly speak their convictions. Plus, they give Ayn Rand, my favorite author, some credit on their links page.

While I don't agree with MANY of the opinions of the writers on this site, (I don't like Bush, that phony statist prick) I do consider myself of Libertarian/Bill Mahar persuasion, a Gin & Tonic- Swilling-Playboy-Reading-Stinking-Capitalist-Pig advocate.

Libertarians are sometimes thrown in the Conservative mud-pen, although I think the ruling "Conservative" party isn't very conservative at all, unless you believe legislating moral behaviour (while conveniently ignoring their own), amassing an incredible and irresponsible deficit and advocating a much larger and more powerful government are things Coservatives and Republicans should be doing. I don't. Many true conservatives and moderate liberals don't either.

So "while the views voiced on Punk Conservative aren't necessarily my own", it's a site well worth looking into, just for challenge of our own precious convictions alone.

Both sites are worth a ride. I find myself getting pissed at both of them, and agreeing with both of them. I'm convinced that somewhere in the middle, where common sense is hiding, lays the answer.

Thinking for yourself requires challenging and informing yourself. Now, isn't that the true essence of punk, kiddies??


Blogger Rycrisp said...

It's only punk if your a boy wearing girl pants and mascara. And hang out at the mall.

6:25 PM  
Blogger Gabe said...

I sorta like the "Punk Conservative" site. Especially the shirt "Capitalism: Smash The Welfare State".
I think Bush is a tool (Kerry was a worse choice), but then again, GWB isn't a true conservative. This is maybe why I refered to myself as a skinhead more than anything else. The skins I hung out with were all working class/children of working class and were tired of government taking more and more of our money and giving it away (which traditionally the Democrats do more of, but...). We all tended to be on the right side of the center, but in no way were we conservatives or Nazi's. The racist pukes didn't have much of a chance in the Boston scene. Not back then, anyways. I remember many a time when a "seek-help" salute was thrown up at a show and it was quickly followed by a small mob closing in on that person and blood being drawn. Either that or severe taunting of them by the black and Jewish skins we hung out with.
Good finds, Kristin!
BTW: Good place to find rare CD's and LP's -

12:31 PM  

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