Thursday, December 15, 2005

Merry Hatemass

Crap. I so did NOT want to devote any attention to this more than I already have. There are far more important things going on this world...the Iraqi vote, the war, Israel/Palestine conflict, Plamegate, etc, etc, etc.

I am, as Fox anchor John Gibson calls it, a "Professional Atheist". Whatever that means. I just know I'm lumped into that category no matter how extreme my lack of belief is, or how much I believe in everyone's right to believe what they want without my input or influence. No matter what I or anyone else of moderate sensibilities say about this matter will not make one ounce of difference to this extreme group of fundamentalists.

I, as a born-again Atheist, die-hard secularist and avid proponent of Church and State separation, don't really care if you want to put a manger on the median of Main Street. I'm not going to freak if you say Merry Christmas. I'm not going to boycot some store because they decide to plaster their windows with "Jesus is the Reason for the Season". They aren't hurting me. They can't force me to believe what they do. Everyone has equal right to express themselves, no matter how misguided. I don't have to agree with you, but I'll defend your right to express and hold your beliefs.

Want to put a religious display in a public space? Fine, just let everyone do it. I'll even make-up my own display, like "Happy Godlessmass" or "Merry Freethinkmas". If we can't have that, and the Christian fundies aren't satisfied with generic, non-religious decorations, then NO ONE gets to display a fucking thing.

People like Bill O' Reilly, Pat Robertson and James Dobson have only one purpose in mind by standing tall at the warfront of this idiotic crusade. They want true Christians to feel that the non-Christian world is going to feed them to the lions. It's pure manipulation in the name of power. "Happy Holidays" is not anti-Christmas, it's a figure of speech used to include everyone in the season. Must we exclude people of other beliefs just to please the raving vocal minority??

How terrible to use this season, which is for love, joy and giving for so many people of all beliefs, for this hateful and divisive purpose. Just this once, at this time of year, we should all come together in brotherhood and forget our differences. It's been a hard year. It's not going to get easier. Let's stop being so petty and selfish.

Demanding others to remember Jesus while forgetting his teachings is pure hypocrisy. Jesus would be ashamed of these people.

The Pharisees maligned in the New Testament, however, would be proud.


Blogger Muddy and wife said...

sDear Kristin,
I want you to know that Jesus loves you. You might learn that if you would take the time to meet Him. The great thing about the U.S. and Christianity is that you are blessed with the right to do and say what you do. Praise God for that. I came from the same place you are now: freethinker. I wanted to believe anything but the Bible. When the Holy Spirit moved in me, I learned of God's love for me and really became free. Have a blessed "hatemass". I pray you find happiness somewhere.

10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sDear Kristin,

I also used to be a "freethinker". How silly of me. Who am I do think for myself. I have realized that there is this loving, hypocrtical man in the sky who can think for me. Whew! What a load off.
Now of course I hate fags, but isn't that what Jesus would want? Oh, and I run my family into massive debt for the love of Christmas now to. Go Team Church!
Anyway, stop thinking for yourself, give up your mind (and control of your womb), and join us happy minivan people who think they mean good, but only run us farther towards Satan. You'll be glad you did!!

10:41 AM  
Blogger Bostonbootgirl said...

Ah, Muddy. There you go, preaching warm and fuzzy Jesus-Love, then you go and ruin it with hateful (and prideful, may I remind you) sarcasm. You really don't want Jesus to love me, you want me in hell, don't you?

Here's a copy of your last comment to me from my post "Merry Christmas, NOW GET LOST!":

"It's me again. Were there any athiest groups assembling to go to the Gulf coast to help in the relief effort? Perhaps there were sheets to sign up in the halls of your meeting places as there were in churches. I wonder if the athiest hospitals survived the hurricanes and helped "people in the ravaged areas? I'm sure there were free thinkers all over that disaster."

Yup, you're a nice guy. Full of love and compassion. You make me want to become a Christian again.

3:36 PM  
Blogger Mooselet said...

Excuse me Mr. Muddy... why do we have to be raving Christians to help those who need help, as those in New Orleans and in disasters all over the world did and still do? Did it ever occur to you that the rest of us help quietly, without fanfare and without screaming God's name (I like to save that for my "special time" with my husband) bwcause those who need our help are people, no matter what their race or beliefs? Of course not, you're too busy preaching God's message.

God spoke to me just now, and He wants me to tell you to stop preaching from your lofty holier-than-thou position and follow that whole do unto others thing. Cos God and I, we're mates.

Kristin, you so totally rock! If there were more freethinkers and less bigots the world would be a happier place.

5:16 PM  

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