Sunday, August 01, 2004

I'm not completely sold on Kerry. Maybe it's the pallor of leftism that the Bush camp has accused him of. That he's some sort of extremist with ties to socialist or even communist groups. They've accused Theresa of that already. They accuse every Dem that they are just steps away from being a dancing, singing, pinko-commie bastard.

What strikes me as odd is that the Bush administration is extremist to a degree we haven't seen since the mindset of the 50's or the cold war. The reglious right has been vying for this power to influence the direction of our country and they have found the ticket in George W. Bush. Anyone else....moderate Dems, Libertarians like myself, Independents, moderate anything, even though we comprise a large part of this society we are being left in the cold.

Jimmy there's a good Christian if I ever saw one. If I read the New Testament, and I have, and wanted just one living example of how to live my life according to that faith, I would look to Jimmy Carter. He's got the Jesus message dead on. He's been loving his neighbors and working for peace his entire life. And he is against Bush, and judging from his speech during the convention, has fear about another 4 years of him.

So do I.


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