Wednesday, July 14, 2004

Dear God, hope you got the letter and...

Religion works for some people, I don’t deny that. There are some very devout Christians I admire and respect. But in essence, I disagree with the very premise of religion altogether, and consider it a bane to mankind that has caused far more bloodshed and pain than anything else.

Religion by its very nature requires you to make moral judgments based on your faith and view the world through that kind of morality. What you judge for yourself as good and proper must be good and proper for the whole world…after all, this is God’s word. By its very nature, you cannot just sit back and be Christian or a Muslim without trying to convert the other to your faith. You cannot be a very good adherent to your faith if you don’t attempt to change what you see in the world as wrong, sinful, or downright evil. If you are lukewarm, you will be spat from God's mouth.

This makes religion inherently dangerous. Make no mistake about it. The war between America and Radical Islam is a holy war, both sides see it just that way. Anyone who thinks George W. Bush does not think he considers himself called by God to do anything he does EACH DAY, let alone wage this war…doesn’t understand the faith of the born-again Christian. He says he is fighting for our freedom. But he believes God has called him to do so. We aren't just fighting nihilistic primitives who hate everything we stand for, we are fighting Satan himself. And so are they.

The Christian religion in its very roots is based on this one premise: man is inherently damaged, flawed, sinful and corrupt and since he cannot be redeemed, another man, perfect, holy, without sin and who also happened to be the son of God, has to be sacrificed to redeem Man. That’s it. In a nutshell. Without it, the faith is nothing.

If I cannot accept that on faith alone, I’m going to Hell. I work for the other guy. The world has come and taken me away. Same with all of the "unsaved"--Jews, Budhists, Muslims, Atheists, Sihks, etc. But God loves us. God is love. Huh??

Leave it to mankind to come up with something so ridden with self-hate and guilt. Leave it to mankind to believe there is no morality whatsover without it coming from some unseen, unheard diety, and not from within.

Whoever this God guy is, I don’t think I’ll presume to understand even one iota of his nature. The pious talk with the him daily, having pleasant chats, intercessory pleas for deaths of old liberal judges (smirk), begging of forgiveness. They claim to know him very well, they've got him pegged.

I don’t buy it. God is in a box for all to see, the religious thumpers have it all figured out. Come see God in Las Vegas, flowing robes and pulling rabbits out of hats. God will talk to you and shake your hand. Maybe sign an autograph.

How can I know? I won't even pretend I do. How could I be so arrogant to assume I know who or what made the oceans, the skies, the universe?

Whoever this God is, what kind of cruel joke would it be to create so many religions that people would constantly bicker and eventually kill each other over them? Everyone thinks they’re right. Everyone else is going to hell. I must take up arms, fight the good fight with word and then sword. Then the kingdom of Heaven will be mine, all mine.

Does this seem to be the work of a loving deity? No, it absolutely REEKS of petty mankind. Man cannot go three steps without waving the flag of his own tribe and poking his neighbor in the arse with it. I’m right. You’re wrong. My holy book says so here. Poke. I'm going to heaven to hook up with some fine ass virgins. I have a room in God's house.

Is that God? What if God is up there right now shaking his head at all of us, wondering why we are literally killing each other over this? Whatever happened to Love Thy Neighbor?

What kind of God is that? Smells like man to me.


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