For all those wondering if we would ever see the potential for real greatness in American politics ever again, watch this video of Barack Obama at the Jefferson Jackson Dinner last Saturday in Des Moines. I say potential because like everyone else in this country, I harbor skepticism, which is really just another word for fear. I am nervous that this ain't the real deal. It's not anything in what he says or how he says it. It's not you, Obama. It's that you might go the way of all other true visionaries in this world who speak for the real silent majority of Americans...the long-suffering working class who have learned to become consistently disappointed long ago...and somehow be snatched away from us.
Obama, are you too good for us? It seems like there are certain forces determined to sink this country, and they aren't *just* Al Queda, they aren't *just* Chavez or Iran, they are elected leaders and their appointees who salute the flag and call themselves Patriots. They shake our hand, call us brother and sister, and work consistently to undermine everything that once made this country great. They are also people like you and me as well, who consistently vote for the comfortable status quo or for incompetents. They are people who won't vote for a black man or a Democrat no matter how viable he or she is.
But Obama isn't just a feel-good orator. He's angry. He's not making this passion up. He's ready to fight. I get the feeling he understands exactly what he's up against and despite his perceived flaws, he's got the fire in the belly to fight. Compared to all other candidates, as good as they might be, they don't even have a pulse.
What I see in Obama during this speech is a fierce, uncommon spirit. We saw it in his speech at the Democratic convention in 2004. Here, he reminds us that it wasn't a fluke, that he means business, that he is a formidable candidate who is poised to become the man who can turn this country around from the precipice.
This man is making history. He has all the potential for greatness and he is electable. Now all we have to do is put aside the skepticism and fear and vote for it for once.