Friday, February 24, 2006

More Offensive Cartoons, Please.....

It needs to be said. Chances are it is only being said in small town editorials or obscure blogs like this.

The radical Islamist nutjobs who are pissed off about the Danish cartoons need to GET OVER IT NOW. I realize that sensitivity towards other religions and customs is a good thing and even necessary in order for all of us to get along without killing each other. But this is really out of control and the leaders who tell you it's OK to get all violent over a cartoon (a fucking CARTOON, people!!!!)are really just exploiting your gullibility to act out in violence in order to bully the world into keeping their mouths shut over unpleasant matters your chickenshit leaders would rather not discuss.

These cartoons are not on par with the ugly anti-semitic comments and caricatures prevelant in some Muslim publications or conversations. These cartoons were metaphors to the questions all non-Muslims are asking these days. These cartoons were making a point about what the rest of the world fears most from the Islamic community. The question these cartoonists are trying to raise is; why are the adherants to a supposedly peaceful religion so quick to kill? Does Mohammed, and therefore Islam, advocate the kind of violence our world is seeing perpetrated in his name? That's what we're seeing lately, and regardless of who started it first, can you honestly blame us for asking these questions?

I don't aim to offend Muslims or Christians. But I do want to ask questions many of you won't like, and I want to hear others ask them as well. Why do religious people treat their god like a china doll? Is your god really this small and powerless? Is your god going to topple from his throne because of a cartoon or an uncomfortable question??


Blogger Mooselet said...

Good to see you back!!!

This whole rioting over cartoons is just absurd. Yes I get that any depictions of Mohammed are bad, but is it really worth living down to the stereotype of killing people and generally acting like an uncivilized mob? When Pat Robinson does something or says something stupid, the majority of Christians ignore him or simply say his views are not theirs. Muslims should try this approach instead of calling for beheadings.

I hear that the majority of Muslims aren't like this, but it's a damn shame their protests to the contrary are overwhelmed by the radicals. Who's in the majority again?

4:01 PM  

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