Monday, October 30, 2006

Miami Herald Writer Leonard Pitts Jr.

Today I'm going to copy/paste an article from the In My Opinion section of today's Miami Herald by writer Leonard Pitts Jr. Mr. Pitts is a Pulitzer Prize winner and his articles are marked by clear-headed, objective, insightful criticisms of mostly politics, culture, society, religion and racial issues. He is a gifted writer and a top-notch journalist.

A New Course on 'Staying the Course'


'The Party said that Oceania had never been in alliance with Eurasia. He, Winston Smith, knew that Oceania had been in alliance with Eurasia as short a time as four years ago. But where did that knowledge exist? Only in his own consciousness, which in any case must soon be annihilated. And if all others accepted the lie which the Party imposed -- if all records told the same tale -- then the lie passed into history and became truth. `Who controls the past,' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the present controls the past.' '' -- from 1984 by George Orwell

''I'm here to tell you we're going to stay the course.'' -- George W. Bush, Nov. 28, 2003

``. . . We've got to stay the course, and we will stay the course . . .'' -- George W. Bush, April 5, 2004

''The United States of America will stay the course . . .'' -- George W. Bush, Nov. 21, 2004

''We will stay the course; we will complete the job in Iraq.'' -- George W. Bush, Aug. 4, 2005

''We will stay the course; we will help this young Iraqi democracy succeed.'' -- George W. Bush, Aug. 31, 2006

``Listen, we've never been stay the course . . .'' -- George W. Bush, Oct. 22, 2006


''Orwellian'' is a word you toss out to prove you stayed awake in freshman English. Often, it is used to evoke a world in which all people are always under surveillance, as was the case in the totalitarian state George Orwell depicted in 1984, his 1949 masterpiece. But as you know if you read the book, surveillance wasn't the most chilling aspect of the world Orwell foresaw.

No, the thing about that world that made your skin creep on your bones was the shameless intellectual dishonesty of its leaders, the brazen way they savaged objective truth and dared anyone to call them on it. Nobody did. The people simply accepted what they were told.

In the world Orwell invented, words had no objective meaning beyond that assigned to them by the Party, whose slogans, not incidentally, were, ''War is Peace,'' ''Freedom is Slavery'' and ''Ignorance is Strength.'' In that world, there was no past -- or rather, the past was what the leaders said it was, and it was a waste of time to check for yourself, because all books, newspapers and other records were constantly being updated to reflect whatever the new reality was.

Thus, ''Oceania had never been in alliance with Eurasia.'' Much as we now learn that the Bush administration's policy toward Iraq has ''never been stay the course.'' And never mind that the president and his henchmen have spent three years pounding that phrase like nails into the public consciousness.

''Stay the course'' doesn't work anymore, not with most of the nation united against the war, so the White House announced last week that the phrase would no longer be used. That's their prerogative. But it's quite a leap from won't be used to never has been used.

So did we dream these last three years? Is ''stay the course'' just something we mumbled in our collective sleep as we twisted in our collective sheets? Or do we learn something here about the administration's level of respect for our collective intelligence?

It is not, by now, surprising that the president and his surrogates rewrite the past. We've seen that before, after all. Seen it with John Kerry the war hero ''traitor,'' with John Murtha the Marine ''coward.'' Saw it with WMD, which, it turned out, were not the reason we invaded Iraq. (Where'd we ever get that idea?) What's painful, though, is that we see it so quietly, see it, as the citizens of 1984 did, with apparent acceptance.

The truth is being stolen right before our eyes. Yet there are no mass demonstrations at the executive mansion. There are not a million headlines saying, ``Wait Just A Bleeping Minute!''

''We've never been stay the course,'' he says. Oh, we say.

To which I can only add that war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength. And Orwell was off by only 22 years.

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Saturday, October 28, 2006

The Big Snit

I used to go to animation festivals a lot at the Somerville Theater. I saw the very first Simpsons and Pixar shorts before they made it big time. Most animation shorts were a few minutes long, some were brilliant, some where stupid, many were whacky, funny, poetic, irreverant, or sick and undeniably twisted (thanks to Spike and Mike).

This is the one I remember most fondly. I've ran searches on it before and couldn't find it until now. It's called The Big Snit, by Richard Condie. If you're married or have been with your sweetie for a long time, I think you'll find this video hilarious.

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Friday, October 27, 2006

Getting High

20'-25' high, to be exact. Work has been getting busy, and between painting ongoing ceiling murals and hanging 500' feet worth of huge banners from unistrut frames in CompUSA's, I don't know what the ground feels like anymore. After a day of riding around in a scissorlift and securing steel into dusty trusses with an impact drill (fun!!!!), my truck feels hopelessly earthbound.

So life is busy again. Next week I'm off to Nashua, NH and Coldasfuck, MN to hang more banners. Not sure where Nov. will take Matt and I on our bannerific journies, although our Best Boss In The World tells us she wants to send us to Hawaii at the end of the month to build a Sony Shop.

Yeah, we can handle that!

So what else is new in life?

I've discovered that Bill Maher lives in my head (along with Lewis Black and Denis Leary). Actually, I am Bill Maher, only with pink hair and tits.

Barack Obama
is The Great Brown Hope of America. Why wait? Obama, '08!

The Dixie Chicks are punker than Johnny Rotten.

Diebold voting machines can be hacked with a screwdriver and a thumbdrive.

My Mom hangs out with younger women and goes to rock concerts. (Go Mom!)

Men are turned on by women who use impact drills.

That's all the useless information I could dredge out of my tired little head. Time to sit by my honey and have a Heineken and watch Shaun of the Dead.

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Saturday, October 07, 2006


Something funny:

Here's a little blast from the past. Yep yep yep yep yep yep...

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The Nietzsche Family Circus

Been working a lot lately, but I bring you this:

The Nietzsche Family Circus

Heh heh. "The Nietzche Family Circus pairs a randomized Family Circus cartoon with a randomized Friedrich Nietzche quote." All ya gotta do is hit the refresh button for a new toon.