Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Eve Interrupted Sexuality2 Women's Art Party

This post is a tad late, the art party happened on the 19th, but I've been a buzy lizzy lately! Penning a blog post is usually a time consuming ordeal as I'm constantly editing and reediting.

The party took place at a great renovated building in Miami's up and coming Wynwood District. A studio loft was rented for the occassion. There was also rooftop access, which we needed since HUNDREDS of people showed up.

Here is Carla, Sue and myself on the rooftop. We couldn't walk 2 steps in this party without Sue bumping into someone she met at some glowstick rave or goth thing somewhere. She's like the frigging pope in a parade!!

Mr. Matt took most of these photos, with the exception of the burlesque girls, taken by Carla.

Go here to Eve Interrupted to see more great photos. Thanks to Lissette Barros for a fantastic evening and a much needed infusion into the south Florida culture scene! Let's do it AGAIN! Thanks to Marla Warrington for the use of her Global Spirits Studio, which is up for rent for almost any occassion.

Here is part of the crowd....and I mean part....the studio had to be about 25'x30' with 12 to 15' ceilings, so it wasn't that big. There were hordes and hordes of hot women and a few lucky dudes trying to cram into this studio to watch the Subversive comedy sketch or the burlesque show.

Burlesque girls Morgan and Lola.

Photo on left is of La Loquita, an artist and entertainer, in wig and balloons and smashing femme entourage.

There could have been more art, but what there was was frikken awesome. So nice to see people who know how to paint again, and the kleenex vagina boxes by Lisa Lockford ruled! There was also some gorgeous sensual and feminine photography.

Here are just a few of the talented ladies that showed that evening: Pop artist Tee Davis, photographer Janette Valentine (who does pin-up punk tattooed chicks, which is something we certainly need more of in Miami!), and Barbara Hernandez photography. There were more of course....that fiesty Irish-Cuban blooded redhead, what's her name again?? Fucking great realist painter. When I get her name I'll post it.

Here are two of the pieces I entered. They received a warm response, and a few interested parties wanted to purchase, although I haven't heard from them since the show. But that's OK. I'm not in it for the money, and I'd like to hold onto them because I have more coming up. I'd like a cohesive body of tattooed or punk ladies and also my "comic book" character badass girls. I just need some good solid time to do it. That, my dear one loyal reader, isn't coming up anytime soon!

(Hey Moosey, wanna model??)

If anyone is interested in modeling, all I need are some good photos. I'll turn you into a goddess.

The red piece is titled "Temptation", the yellow piece is titled "Catwoman".

It's about time women started depicting women
(even though it's been going on for some time now). For years we've always been the subject matter of men who get all the credit. But many times they relegate us to just mere props...our beauty is celebrated, as is deservedly so, but many times that's where it stops. That's why I love women comic book heroines. It's hard for me to even read a novel...even a classic peice of literature...that depicts women who are soft and one dimensional, just filmy hangers-on in the periphery of the way more important world of men, a mere accessory.

I don't mean to bash men here, cripes, my boyfriend takes pictures of bikini babes. But there's a real hunger for women to see themselves in their own eyes as something more than just a pretty face.

When a woman depicts a woman in any kind of artform, she's recreating woman as she should be in her eyes. At least that's what I do, and what other women artists I've seen do. The women's art movement is one of the only places you'll see a thick boned girl painted as if she were worthy enough to be painted. And she's beautiful. A woman viewing the art of women for women feels lovely, ballsy, smart, sassy, sexy and finally, FINALLY, recognized.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Abandon All Taste Ye Who Enter


Don't even ask where I got this. I am already burning in hell as it is.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

The Unit's Losin' It

So, The Big Unit is losing his shit. Oh, waah. And that robot Matsui broke his wrist. Oh the tragedy of it all! The poor bastards!! What rotten luck!

All the money in the world can't buy away injuries and aging, just goes to show ya.

There is a God, and he roots for The Red Sox, just like everyone else who isn't from NYC.
(If you go to Syracuse, they root for the Mets. They're sick of the Axis of Pinstripes too.)

Monday, May 15, 2006

Sexuality2 Women's Art Party in Miami

Wicked wicked pissah! I'm in an art show, and not just any art show. It's a kickass women's art party, complete with dj's, a burlesque show by Lola, grrrl bands, booze, cleavage, and a sexiest dressed contest.

Brought to you by Lissette Barros of Eve Interrupted, this is their 7th art show since Sept. 2003. The last one was wildly successful and this one looks to be even better. I saw photos of the last one and it looked HOT! The show is called Sexuality2 Women's Art Party, and all the art will have the wonderful sexuality of women as a theme. All women are invited, especially women who love women. Men too are also invited.


This Friday, May 19th, from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.

This leaves us some time to go to Churchills, if you so desire....HOORAY FOR CHURCHILLS!!!

250 NW 23 STREET
UNIT: 204A
(Global Spirits Studio), DOWNTOWN MIAMI 33127, (WYNWOOD ART DISTRICT)

Tix are $8. If you are going with me, then I'll front ya. Just buy yer own drinks, which I'm told will be cheap, unless of course I sell something then it's on me!! I have 3 pieces in, one of which is shown above.

See the listing in Miami Times events online, scroll down just a bit to see.

New Blog Name?

I'm thinking of coming up with a new blog name. Bostonbootgirl is something I came up with a few years back because I've always worn Doc Martens and I'm from the Boston region. Plus, bootgirl or bootboy is a Skinhead or Oi term of sorts, and seeing I come from working class roots (STILL working class for that matter!) and I love streetpunk or Oi music, I figured, why the hell not?

But honestly, I don't live in Boston anymore. I live in Florida. It's too hot to wear big Doc's unless I go to a show or work, so I wear a lot of sandals and flip-flops. Amazingly, Floridaflipflopgirl sounds all wrong. Go figure.

And...I've never called myself Skinhead, although I've shaved my head many times and I shop at Army Navy stores. I just don't subscribe to be a full-fledged member of any club. I don't need anyone judging me because I'm not wearing or listening to the right stuff. I'm 36, dammit. I didn't give a rats ass at 17, I'll be damned if I give one now.

Funny thing is, a friend produced a great punk compilation called Blank The World and the opening credits thank Matt and Bostonbootgirl. Shite. Mebbe I'm stuck with it.

I don't want to use my real name. I like a little bit of anonymity, so I can rant and rage with some privacy. So what will it be? Or maybe I should keep it??

Any suggestions?

(BTW, those are my boots in photo, and I AM wearing skivvies. Red ones. Ooh la la, ya'll.)

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Escape from Orlando

I just got back from the Orlando job last night after 2 long grueling weeks of waking up at 3:30 a.m. and working until late afternoon or early evenings. Our project consisted of hauling heavy metal retail fixtures around, tearing down old ones and putting up new ones, then piling store merchandise onto them ready for selling. Constant, fast paced go go go work. Matt and I would drive back to our hotel each night, drink beer and pass out and do it all over again the next day.

Every part of my body is aching and bruised. I've done harder work, sure, but I've had it easy the previous months before this gig and I'm a bit older now. Stuff hurts more now. Tomorrow I go see a chiropractor and a masseuse so I can get my back and neck in order once more. It feels literally like someone somewhere is sticking needles into a voodoo doll in my name.

But you should see my biceps. Bulging, I tell ya. I have the best arms in the business; sleek, taut and curvy. But my belly, well, bulges too, even if only a little. No low-hipped Brittney jeans for me.

Matt drove back to Orlando tonight since the job is STILL NOT DONE. After all the missed deadlines due to stupidity on the store's part to organize this correctly, after all the work shut downs due to nonexistent permits, the job must be complete by the end of next week. (It has been ongoing for close to three months now!!) He won't be back until Friday, we hope. I'm participating in an art show on Friday and he really wants to be there for it (it's a woman's sexuality show put on by a bunch of Miami lesbians, why wouldn't he or anyone else not want to be there??). So, for until Friday, it's just me and Howie. Already the house feels empty.

I had to come home to take care of a client who may prove to be a catalyst for the future success of my business, who I wrote about in an previous post. So Matt must stay in the game, to chug and haul shit back and forth between store and dumpster, with needles sticking in his shoulders as his nerves angrily scream at him that he would be better suited to pressing the buttons on his camera instead.

So I'm back indefinitely. And I will be a busy gal. Tomorrow I start the samples for my client's remaining baths (the big room got canceled) and Tuesday I start actual work on it. My client's wife tells me she has invited her friends and neighbors over for a look at the baths I've done and they may be interested in my services, so that may be a great thing for the future success of my business.

Happy Mother's Day for all cool momma's out there....I may not be one, but I know many!!